Ruelle - La Chaume - Vendee - France

by Francoise Chauray
Ruelle - La Chaume - Vendee - France
Francoise Chauray
Painting - Watercolor On Arches Paper
Original watercolor painting by Francoise Chauray
- on Arches paper
At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Fine Art America secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
March 12th, 2017
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Comments (2)

Anne Ditmars
Outstanding watercolor artworks Francoise! A beautiful fine art view! Following your creations! ~Anne
Francoise Chauray replied:
Thank you. Should I be modest with such incredible compliments? You are far too flattering.Merci beaucoup.

Liesl Walsh
Bonjour, Francoise, I really like your artwork. Your watercolors are beautiful! You have amazing talent. The colors, composition, and lighting are excellent. You have captured the amazing beauty of France, a country which I have come to appreciate very much. I look forward to looking at more of your beautiful paintings! Best regards, Liesl
Francoise Chauray replied:
And what should I say about the wonderful extraordinary quality of your photos. As for the photos you have captured of France, they honor my country by the quality of your work. Let's make a book together one day ...; 0)