Le Port - 18H - Sables D'Olonne - Vendee - France

by Francoise Chauray
Le Port - 18H - Sables D'Olonne - Vendee - France
Francoise Chauray
Painting - Watercolor On Arches Paper
Original watercolor painting by Francoise Chauray
- on Arches paper
At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Fine Art America secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
May 19th, 2017
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Comments (3)

Francoise Chauray
Thanks Mr. Verhoef for your compliments. But I find it hard to transfer to the world of computers my watercolors with all the little details and techniques I included within my paintings. Originals are far more interesting... as I do dedicate lots of hours to little details into my watercolors as you mentioned. Glad you have a great computer to realize this fact.